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About us Products Sourdough products Franchise Retail Contact Projects EU

About us



We are a family Slovak company, which in two generations has developed into the largest manufacturer and seller of frozen bakery products in Slovakia and owns one of the most modern production plants in Central Europe.

Thanks to many years of experience, a great team of our employees, advanced technologies, high quality products and services, we successfully operate more than 500 MINIT Franchise bakeries in Central Europe and we are also one of the main suppliers for retail chains, grocery stores, gas stations and HoReCa customers in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Austria and other European countries.


We are creators of bakery experiences
Minitky im M1 LR

We do not only protect and spread our South Slovak bakery tradition and art, but we also constantly increase, innovate and develop it with modern methods so that we can give people, in addition to irresistibly tasty and high-quality breads, pastries, delicacies, goodies and meals, also such pleasant experiences that will make their day more beautiful.


MINIT brand
Ruka web

MINIT is a brand for all people. We want to make our delicacies, pastries, breads in such a quality and price that they become a part of everyday life for as many people as possible. And we want to sell them so that people everywhere are within reach.

History of our company

The history of the company began in 1991, when the Ambrovics brothers founded a family bakery in the cellar of the family house. The first success came from French baguettes, which the owners hand-made and distributed to nearby shops. This is where the love of the bakery craft began, which the family still devotes itself to nowadays. Another milestone in the direction of the company was the idea from Hungary. During one walk in the neighbouring Hungarian town of Győr, the founder Ing. František Ambrovics was approached by the concept of selling small cakes straight from the oven so much that he did not hesitate and decided to bring them to Slovakia as well.

Shortly afterwards, the production of small cakes was launched in Slovakia. Thanks to it, the whole Czech market has been supplied from Slovak production since 2000. From the beginning, the products are made on the basis of our own special recipes.


This year, the 1st stage of the construction of our new facility in Kostolné Kračany was completed and we started the production of sourdough bread there. KVASKO sourdough breads were successfully launched on the market.

Kracany small

This year was a breakthrough for us. After uncertain times in connection with the restrictions of Covid-19, we once again had the opportunity to work without restrictions. We launched a new product on the market - a vegan line that received the international V-Label certification. We received a prestigious award from Slovenská sporiteľna and SME-Index: FéliX Business Award in the category Exceptional family business 2022.

Veg group

This year is special for us. We are celebrating 30 years of operation on the Slovak market. 30 long years have passed since the production of rolls and baguettes first started in the basement of a private house to the present, when our factory covers an area of ​​approximately 7,000 m2.

MINIT fotky kolaz

We have installed a new Canol3 production line and are starting a new era in the delicate bakery frozen products category. New because we have prepared new shapes for our consumers and many ideas for even better and richer fillings in products. At the same time, we introduced a premium unique product in our portfolio: the handmade OSKAR sourdough line - directly from the stone oven.


The first 6 months of this year were crucial, but we got through it. We managed to restore the production premises and started production on all production lines. The monthly capacity is thus 2000t.

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During the planned maintenance before one summer weekend, a fire broke out in the bakery complex, which destroyed up to four-fifths of the production capacity. „It was the most stressful situation I have ever experienced in business. But that evening we said in the management that we are moving on,“ recalls the founder of Minit, František Ambrovics. After the weekend, all over 300 employees called to the burned-out factory to present their determination to continue right in front of them, and so it is today.


About one third of the production is exported and Slovak products are sought after in Hungary, Poland, Austria, but also in the Baltics. The products are available in the food network of the given countries, such as: Penny, Spar, Auchan, Tesco and CBA (within V4).

Mapa EU minit

The company was renamed MINIT SLOVAKIA Ltd., where the name hides the production of mini cakes baked in a few minutes to crunchy. At the same time, in the given year, the production of yeast products on a high-capacity line was started, which placed the company in the first place of the Slovak supplier of frozen fermented products on the Slovak market.


Establishment of the partner company MINIT BOHEMIA, which is part of the family business. Today, the company is a supplier of freshly baked cakes to more than 200 retail locations, including franchise bakeries and gastro customers.


A milestone in the history of the company was the year 1999. It was the year when the first franchise bakery was opened and at the same time we record the origin of the Slovak franchise system on this date.


The Ambrovics brothers established a family bakery in the cellar of the family house. The first success came from French baguettes, which the owners’ hand-made and distributed to nearby shops. This is where the love of the bakery craft began, which the family still devotes itself to nowadays.

Ambr filter


Superbrands 2024 MINIT

The Superbrands award is a symbol of trust from consumers and the expert Brand Council jury.

VS pinsa cena diplom cena sm

Pinsa, also known as the "cloud pizza," a new sourdough product line, has been awarded the "Consumer's Choice – Savory Pastry 2024" title. Consumers granted this award based on the largest consumer survey in Slovakia.


1st place for MINIT in the Restaurants and Fast Food category in the KPMG ranking.

VS2023 cena foto

The KVASKO sourdough line won the Consumer's Choice 2023 award in the Savory pastry category. The seven types of sourdough bread, named Kvaskovia, are the result of honest Slovak baking.


Danubius Gastro 2023 Award for MINIT Kvasko bread collection without yeast, and additional preservatives, E-free.

Cx top 2022 blue cut

MINIT was ranked in the KPMG Top 50 Most Popular Brands by Customers for 2022. This was decided by more than 2,500 Slovaks in a survey focused on customer experience.

Cena vynimocny rodinny biznis
FéliX Business Award

The company MINIT SLOVAKIA received the award of the Slovak Savings Bank and SME-index: the FéliX Business Award in the category Exceptional family business 2022. The expert jury awarded inspiring companies and activities that contribute to the prosperity, modernity and social responsibility of Slovakia.

Volba spotrebitela cena chlieb 2

The OSKAR sourdough line won the "Consumer's Choice - Best Newcomer 2022" award. The award was given to us by consumers based on the largest consumer survey in Slovakia.

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The OSKAR sourdough line won the DANUBIUS GASTRO 2022 award. It was awarded for its uniqueness, excellent taste and rustic appearance.

Untitled design 10

The OSKAR sourdough line won the INNOVATION OF THE YEAR award in the competition of the Food Chamber of Slovakia.

Ocenenie hn kompis 2019

KPMG customer study focused on how the brand takes care of the customer: 1st place in the category „Fast Food“ and 15th place in the overall ranking

Family company 2019 - winner of the Petr Slavomír Kompiš award (Hospodárske noviny)

Muza merkura

The Mercury Muse for the project MINUTE SOUP realized in the Fresh Food Bar MINUTE stores - won the creativity award in the store, in the category "Product placement at the point of sale"

SK quality mark for several products

Znacka kval

SK quality mark for Zbojnícky (Bandit) bread 405g and Salty stick (stangel) 85g

Mercury Muse for the franchise concept Fresh Food Bar MINUTE - won the creativity award in the store, in the category "Branding stores"

Superbrands 2013

award for the best Slovak brands Slovak Superbrands


MINIT among the 10th representatives of Slovakia in the European Business Award competition


executive manager František Ambrovics – finalist of the Entrepreneur of the Year 2009 competition

8th place in the Diamonds of Slovak Business competition


System of quality


MINIT QUALITY = freshness of ingredients + hygiene + reliable production methods = no compromises

A high level of quality and its improvement is one of the main priorities of MINIT. It is a recognized value in our daily actions and together with other values form the MINIT brand. Quality is key in all areas of operation. In the first place, however, is the quality of the product, to which other activities of the company contribute, protect and complement it.

In 2016, the company MINIT SLOVAKIA received the international standard IFS FOOD, which is the highest guarantee of quality, food safety and compliance with strict standards at all levels.

The IFS FOOD certificate replaced the food safety management system ISO 2200: 2005 in our company, introduced in 2009.

Čistá výroba
Kvalitné suroviny
Dodržavanie logistiky
with logistics
RSPO certificate MINIT Circle Download


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