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With a long dough maturation
Using Slovak ingredients
Baked in a stone oven


"My grandmother preferred to bake wheat bread, which lasted even a whole week."

Baking inspired me and it continues to this day. Even after 20 years, I haven't got tired of baking because every day brings something new. It is a strong feeling, a love for the craft, overcoming obstacles every day, setting daily challenges and, in addition to all this, not forgetting to bake beautiful fragrant bread.

It is necessary to think about how to help the processed dough. You have to feel what the dough needs. Whether it is time, how it is necessary to adjust the temperature or whether it is only necessary to add water.

Flour, water, salt is a challenge for every baker. Creating a process that gives baked goods a unique flavor and at the same time a rustic crust with a perfect crumb is not easy at all. It is composed of a number of parts such as mother sourdough, dough management, dough resting, baking itself. Everything must be set precisely.

Behind the unique concept are hours of searching for suitable information, visits to various bakeries where they work with sourdough, inspiration from quality literature and countless hours of testing.

At MINIT, too, we always try new flours, new sourdough, new flavors, thanks to which we definitely plan to gradually expand the portfolio to include new sourdough products.

By using
sourdough we can achieve
During production, we pay attention to the quality of the raw materials, we prefer local suppliers, the total production of bread takes up to 27 hours.
Unique scent

A fluffy sourdough bread with a crispy crust will win you over not only with its smell, but also with the sound of the crust after the first cut.

Longer shelf life thanks to the sourdough

You can enjoy fresh, fragrant and crunchy pastries for several days.

Crispy crust

During fermentation, complex sugars are broken down into simple sugars and the amount of gluten is reduced.


Real bread taste, as you remember from your childhood from home-made honest bread.


Microorganisms in sourdough break down starches and proteins (gluten) in flour into simpler, more easily digestible components. Through the fermentation process, gluten is broken down into simpler bonds, it is easier to digest and pass through the intestines without burdening them. However, sourdough does not break down gluten enough to be suitable even for celiacs, but it plays an important role in the prevention of this disease.


It is said that homemade sourdough bread is incomparably better than any purchased bread. But at MINIT we have our Oskar, who conjured just such for you with his own hands.
Thus, a great, handmade sourdough bread made from wheat flour has been added to our portfolio. You will see for yourself, the fluffy and soft sourdough bread with a crispy crust will win you over not only with its smell, but also with the sound of the crust after the first cut, which Oskar took great care of.

Wheat sourdough bread

White wheat sourdough bread according to a traditional recipe with natural sourdough. With a crispy rustic crust, a soft center and an amazing real bread taste and aroma.

Multigrain sourdough bread

Sourdough bread (11% sourdough content) with a high content of valuable oilseeds in the breadcrumb. Flax, sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, and poppy make up more than 7% of the content. The bread is characterized by an excellent taste, which is accentuated by a rich sprinkle.

Sunflower sourdough bread

A great variant of sourdough bread handmade of wheat flour containing 10% of sourdough and roasted sunflower seeds in the dough. The crunchiness of the crust is completed by a rich sprinkle of sunflower seeds, which are a source of valuable antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.

Spelt sourdough bread

Sourdough bread handmade of wholemeal spelt flour according to a traditional recipe with natural sourdough (11%). Excellent crunchy bread you will never get tired of having with an amazingly delicate nutty taste. Thanks to the whole grain spelt flour it is also an excellent source of fibre, selected vitamins, and minerals.

Baked for you with love
our master baker Oskar