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Kvasko rascovy paska VS

Kvasko Caraway bread

Caraway bread is one of the most traditional types of bread in Slovak households It is made of honest Slovak ingredients, without artificial additives or yeast The most distinctive ingredient is ground caraway, considered to be the oldest spice in Europe, which gives the bread its specific flavour and aroma The beautiful dark golden colour, crispy crust and soft crumb tempt you to take a bite and materialize the return to traditional baking values The combination of wheat and wholemeal flour gives the bread a denser consistency, but the crumb is soft, tender and fluffy The bread does not contain E's or any leavening additives The secret of its exceptional taste lies in the honestly cultivated mother sourdough starter, so that the bread is rightly the centre of every meal, not just a small addition to it You'll love it!

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